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On Friday 21 February 2003 02:28 pm, Jeff Dilcher wrote:
> Hello all!
> Being the consumate gear-aholic, I am in need of divesting
> myself of several excellent pinhole cameras.  The cameras
> are the Leonardo Pinhole cameras, and can be seen at:
> http://www.pinholeresources.com/products.html#leonardo
> I am offering a package of the three 4x5 models, which
> consist of the 1.5" super wideangle, 3" wideangle, and 6"
> normal cameras.  These are finely crafted sturdy pinhole
> cameras designed by Eric Renner, complete with brass
> shimstock laser drilled pinholes.
> These cameras are in excellent condition, and only show
> small evidence of normal usage.  As an extra bonus, I will
> include a black nylon backpack for carrying your new cameras
> in the field.
> Samples of images made with these cameras available on
> request.
> The cameras would retail for $262 if purchased new.  Before
> I advertise these on EBAY, I would like to make them available
> first to members of the list for $199 for the package, plus
> actual shipping charges.
> Please contact me right away if you would like me to
> reserve these for you.
> Thanks,
> Jeff Dilcher
> Atlanta, GA
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