Dear pinholin' friends,

It's winter for some and summer for others!  But we are all preparing
for the festivities of this time of the year, with varying levels of
frenzy depending on the amount of preparations we still have to do.

In the midst of this, I just want to wish you all a very happy time of
celebration when the bells start ringing Christmas.

May 2003 be full of happy moments for you and your close ones, despite
the dark clouds looming ahead.  May this be a year of generosity towards
those in need.

And, for us, the community of pinholers, may this be a year of great fun
and great creativity with our strange photographic contraptions.

And, finally, a very special thank to Gregg Kemp for continuing to be
year-after-year so generous with his time and energy in ensuring that
this list and the Pinhole Visions web site/ressource allows us to get
together and share our common passion.


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