I'm converting several cheapie 35mm cameras to pinhole
cameras as gifts for my nieces and nephews (remove
shutter & lens, poke & sand pinhole in bit of aluminum
pop can).  I want to put an exposure guide (a variant
on the old sunny-16 rule) on a sticker on the back to
get them started, and wondered of this sounded about
right to folks (I'm basing this on my own dabbling,
but my records aren't great (my exposure notebook got
washed!)(the focal length is about 40 mm, and I
haven't figured out an exact f-stop for the pinholes


Use ASA 100 film
Bright sun: 2-4 seconds
Partly shaded on sunny day: 4-10 seconds
Full shade: 10-20 seconds
Cloudy day: 10-20 seconds
Night: try 15 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours, 4 hours,
(guess, and try a couple of different exposures)
Inside, lit by bright window: 1-4 minutes
Inside, lit by light bulbs: 2-10 minutes
Inside, dim: try 15 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours, 4 hours

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