
Those are very impressive and beautiful images. Thanks for the inspiration!
What type of paper are they printed on?  I know if they look that good as
tiny compressed jpegs, the real prints must be stunning.

Do you have any link to show what your homemade camera looks like?


-----Original Message-----
From: dain...@aol.com [mailto:dain...@aol.com]
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 12:15 PM
To: pinhole-discussion@p at ???????
Subject: Re: [pinhole-discussion] re:pinhole nude

Hi Folks,

I did a series several years ago using a portable Vivitar flash and a 
pinhole camera shooting nudes.  A sample can be viewed here:  
http://www.justdai.com/topo/index.html  The final images are 11X14 from 
6X7 120 negative.

Shooting pinhole with flash is astonishingly easy and rather liberating 
since exposure time and the use of a tripod goes out the window...  
Exposure is determined by flash to subject distance like in lensed 
photography, and since the effective "shutter speed" is now the duration 
of the flash, there is no need to support the camera on a stable base.


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