> whatever are everyone elses thoughts on authentic
> space?
> steve
Steve, might this refer to the difference between
authentic to perhaps, contrived space? I have found
the certain areas or places have a "feel" to them, a
feel that I might try to cpature with a photgraph.
These areas, to my sensitvity, are usually unique to
their surroundings, are lit in a particularly enriched
way and are all "authentic", if I read the definition
correctly. I have tried to force a feeling with a
photgraph and found it rarely works for me, sometimes
the best photos are where you find them, a kind of
photgraphic Tao. Just be the camera, open yourself up
to the experience and let it happen. I like pinhole
photography for that reason, "the ritual that ends in
image", as someone on this list once put it so
eloquently, to me pinhole is somehow closer to
authentic ("purer", maybe?) than digital may be, but
that's just me. I'm just an average, blue collar,
work-a-day schmuck, little formal experience in either
art or photography (some would say it shows), but I do
know what appeals to me. I like the theory of it,
something to keep in mind, thanks for the posing the
question. David Walters

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