Two of the more common cyanotype problems are alkaline water and/or a bad paper choice. Try adding a few CC of stop bath to your first rinse. If that fixes your problem, then you know your water source is alkaline. Cyanotype need nuetral or acidic wash water.

If that isn't your problem, then you need to try a different paper. Reves BFK is a widely available paper that will work with cyanotype. It isn't my favorite paper, but you can get a sheet almost anywhere. papers for cyanotype need to be nuetral or acidic (just like the wash). many papers are made with large amounts of "buffer". This is usually strongly alkaline, and thus an unhappy match for cyanotype. Some papers are simply too "hard" (non absorbant) for a good cyanotype photograph.

My favorote paper for cyanotype is Cranes Platinotype available from Bostick and Sullivan

The above assume that by "washed away" you mean faded during washing. If you mean that your image is totally disappearing, then I would be woriied that your chemicals are incorrect or bad.

On Thursday, October 17, 2002, at 08:29  AM, wrote:

Could anyone tell me the image gets washed away, when you rince your cyantype.
And also what you can do about it.

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