Thanks for the ideas and the funny images, MM. Strange to see Picacho, AZ and
Reid Park in your collection, since we moved up here from Tucson a year ago.
Equally strange to see local places like Gray's Harbor also, since we are now so
close to them. I'll wave the next time we pass on the road.
  - John Edwards, Vancouver, WA
(finally, a use for that stack of Mintz containers)

Marcy Merrill wrote:

> Hi all: A while back there was a thread about pinhole cameras made from
> Altoid containers. I meant to comment. Later, there was a thread about
> multiple-holed pinhole cameras. I meant to comment. I just finished an
> exhibit of some of my pinhole images. I meant to post about it.
> Anyway, I've spent my afternoon posting Pintoid images to my Pintoid page
> ( ). I've been using acupuncture needles
> to make pinholes and they work well. I'm going to try porcupine quills next.
> Anyone tried it? Just curious. I'll let you know how it goes. Thanks to
> everyone for such an informative list! -MM
> Marcy Merrill
> Photographer
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