In a message dated 9/8/2002 9:16:43 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

>  what kind or brand of developer, stop bath, and fixer I should use in order 
> to get the best results with ilford paper?

I've had really good results in my home darkroom with Ilford Multigrade 
Developer, Ilfostop Odorless Stop Bath, and Rapid Fixer.  Since my 'darkroom' 
also doubles as my hall bathroom, I didn't want the mess and fuss of trying 
to mix powdered chemicals. All of the ones that I've named may be a bit more 
expensive, but to me, the added convenience is definitely worth it (and 
Ilford's suggested time on the Rapid Fix for fiber paper at 1+4 dilution is 
just a minute, which means that I can be extremely productive in the darkroom 
in a short amount of time).

M BIllingslea

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