> Hello Shannon,
> Taking into account all uncertainity concerning reciprocity failure and
> relating it to the problems you're facing, are you sure these problems
> aren't on the exposure side of the situation ? Rather than struggling so
> much with development, haven't you thought trying to alter your exposure
> times ? Does this make any sense ?

There were problems with exposure at first, but I was able to nail down that
quicker than I could the development thing.  First I figured out how to stop
over-exposing; then I had to figure out how to stop under-developing.
Fortunately now both problems are solved, and I have two perfect negatives
made with HP5+.  Still, I don't think that film will work in low contrast
situations, so I am switching to TriX, so more testing will be in order.
Maybe it won't take so long to arrive at a solution this time.


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