Hey everyone, i know this is off topic, but i figure you all may be of
some help.
        Tomorrow i leave from Baltimore to go to Belize for two weeks. A group 
students and a couple of teachers are going down to a village called Big
Falls. Our purpose is to organize and run a day camp for kids there. We
will be educating them as well as playing games, etc. to help them keep
learning during the summer when school is out. The village is impoverished
and education there isn't extremely good. Although, the teachers they have
are very passionate individuals. We will be bringing them school supplies
as well, to help their school year this coming semester. 
        So, as i'm a photography student, i have been one of two from our group
who have been chosen to be in charge of photography(the other happens to be
a woman who has her BA in photo already, so i hope to learn a lot from
her). It's important that we document it well so we can better publicize it
in the future, i.e. to make pamphlets, etc to solicit donations. So i've
decided to use slide film, which i haven't much experience with. i have
enough experience to use it adequately, and i figured slide film would be a
good choice. Therein lies my question. I haven't a scanner, and i will
certainly want these slides scanned, so where do i go? I'm pretty sure
Kinkos doesn't have slide scanning capabilities. are there places that i
can have this done? Also, any tips on travelling anyone might want to give
me will be greatly appreciated. I do have some 1600 film in my bag (fuji
Neopan 1600, to be precise, i figured some black and white won't hurt), and
i will certainly want that to be hand inspected. Hopefully i won't have too
much trouble. please excuse me for the long, off topic email, but from all
of the responses i've read on this list, everyone seems to be very helpful
and caring, so i figured you all would have some good advice.

thanks for your time.



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