You've given me hope. I want to do do pinhole closups of my hammock, but
that wiggles all the time too.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Nick Dvoracek" <>
To: <Pinhole-Discussion@p at ???????>
Sent: Tuesday, July 09, 2002 11:13 AM
Subject: [pinhole-discussion] Sometimes I'm just stunned

> I've often told beginners to not be too surprised if close up shots
> of plants don't work out, because even the slightest breeze will move
> flowers enough too blur them with a long pinhole exposure.
> Last night sitting on my back porch in the heat, wishing for a cool
> breeze, I realized that it actually was absolutely still. This Peace
> rose had been blooming it's little heart out and had some huge
> honkin' blossoms way out at the end of some pretty long stems. Common
> sense told me it would never work, but fortified by the shorter
> exposures available on a new wide angle (f125, 4 x 5, 2.5 inch F.L.)
> camera,  I gave it a shot.  That late in the evening it took a four
> minute exposure. The picture is uploaded to the discussion list
> gallery at
> I will fess up to giving it one pass at sharpening in Photoshop, but
> I do that with every picture I scan, pinhole or not.
> I still can't believe that flower held that still for that long.
> Nick
> --
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Nick Dvoracek                         
> Director of Media Services           Voice: 920-424-7363
> University of Wisconsin Oshkosh        Fax:   920-424-7324
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