I've had a couple of my pinhole images put on CDs, specifically, Studies #1 and
#2 on http://mywebpages.comcast.net/hmpi/Pinhole/Images/PinholeImages.htm. 
Nothing big deal, as they were small groups just starting out.  However, it is
a kick when you see your work distributed as such.

Cheers -


--- ginab...@ix.netcom.com wrote:
> hey David I thought the same thing -that it could be a pinhole photo when I
> saw the album cover. Looks  like Bruce is standing in front of Convention
> Hall in Asbury Park, NJ.  Guess we'll have to wait till the release date to
> check the credits to know for sure!
> I've been photographing Asbury Park, a veritable ghost town on the jersey
> shore for many years and have a few of the images on my website.  Lately
> there are so many photographers there that we have to get out of each
> other's way! :0)
> Gina
> http://home.ix.netcom.com/~ginabell
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