Hi all,

I hope everyone had a great WPPD. By the looks of the gallery it is going to be a great success. Last time Iooked there were over 200 great images. Remember to thank all the wonderful people who put there time, effort and money to make this work. Below you will see a list of all the folks who made this all possible. If by chance you haven't noticed you can buy WPPD T-Shirts, mugs and other great looking items that help promote and celebrate the WPPD. Also when you make a purchase you help defray some of the costs it takes to put on this advent. So if you haven't placed your order yet go to, http://www.cafepress.com/cp/store/store.aspx?storeid=wppd, and do so today.

Coordinating Team       Guy Glorieux (Canada, team leader)
Gregg Kemp (USA, team leader)
Zernike Au (Hong Kong)
Jean Daubas (France)
Edward Levinson (Japan)
Tom Miller (USA)
Guillermo Peñate (El Salvador)
Ana Maria Schultze (Brazil)
Rosanne Stutts (USA)
Publicity       Rosanne Stutts (coordinator)
Paolo Aldi (Italy)
Dennis Johanson (Sweden)
Marco Dreher (graphics)
(Coordinating Team)

Resources       (Coordinating Team)
Dieter Bublitz (Germany)
Tom Miller (web page)
George L Smyth (web page)
Related Events  Tom Miller (coordinator)
Web Site:       Gregg Kemp
Language Translations:  Gregg Kemp (coordinator)
Chinese:        Zernike Au
Fei Zheng
Deutsch:        Dieter Bublitz
Martin Adler
Dutch:  Wolfgang Thoma
Wally Thoma-Schuermans
Frans van Dijk

Español:        Guillermo Peñate
Français:       Jean-Luc Coulon
Guy Glorieux
Jean Daubas
Italiano:       Patrizia di Siro
Japanese:       Edward Levinson
Polski: Anna Oldak
Kasia Oldak
Português:      Guilherme Galarraga
Ana Maria Schultze
Members of Lata Magica
Srpski: Vladimir Mikovic
Slovensko:      Vojko Flis
Svenska:        Jan Hinderson
Dennis Johanson
Peter Wiklund

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