> Hi all.  I'm a newbie to the list and to pinhole but I've been eagerly
> reading the posts and picking up a few pointers.  However, I have a
> basic question.  I've made some pinhole cameras and taken some film
> pictures with each.  Now I'm wanting to use some photo paper instead.  I
> bought some Ilford 5x7 Multigrade IV RC Deluxe MGD.44M Pearl paper.

For what it's worth, my first pinhole was a converted 2L coke bottle, and
I used the exact same paper you are. The curved back produced some very
cool images, but I found contact printing to be a major pain in the ass.
One thing I did notice was that burning seemed to bring things into focus
in the contact print. I'm not sure why this would happen, and it's sort of
hard to do, since the paper negative is face down on the sheet. I
generally found exposures to be about a minute at f/8.

 -Liav K.

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