From reading the messages on this subject it looks as if you are talking about making film holders, not dark slides. There is a significant difference. A film holder is not easy to make, but a dark slide is easily made from a piece of aluminum the proper thickness to just slide into the holder comfortably. The most inexpensive method of procuring a film holder is to find an old used one in the junk bin of a camera store. So long as the end flaps are present, they can easily be taped back on with black photographers tape. The wooden ones,especially those with metal on the end into which the dark slide is inserted, work well. Many stores think the wooden ones are no good and are willing to let them got for $10 or $12. If the dark slides are missing, they are even cheaper. Personally I prefer the wooden holders to the new plastic ones because they are less prone to light leakage due to warping.

Once the holder are obtained, building a pinhole, or other, camera around them is very simple.

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