Welcome to the list.  There are many great people on this list and I have
learned so much from them and I have been teaching pinhole photography and
shooting pinhole photos since 1976.
Take Care!
~Chuck Flagg~

I've just signed up to this list and this is the first email i've recieved
and i must say its a warm welcome!

I thought i would introduce myself. My name is Steve Bell, I'm 19 and live
in Baltimore, Md, USA. I'm a photography student at Catonsville Community
College. I've been interested in photography for years, and just recently
have decided to really dedicate my time and money towards it. I haven't
done very much pinhole photography at all(only once a few years back), but
i really like the idea behind it. the simplicity and the constructive
aspects really get my heart pumping. i'm hoping to learn something from
this list, and maybe someone will learn something from me! who knows. i
suppose that's it!



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