Guillermo, do you want a hung bao?
Richard Heather (in-law to the Lo clan)

"G.Penate" wrote:

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "ISHIKAWA Masaru" <>
> > Celebrating Chinese New Year, a Year of Horse.
> > (Unfortunately Asian not always understand Chinese. )
> "Kung hei fat choi" is virtually universal these days, no need to be Asian
> Cantonese speaking person to know that's the Chinese-Cantonese new year
> greeting, at least that is true in very cosmopolitan cities like Toronto
> where I live, anyway.  I'll say it in English then: "Congratulations, Make
> money"
> Now, I am single (;-), if you are married, pls send me a red envelope with
> an even number of pinhole images, except 4, that's bad number in Chinese
> traditions!
> Keep the envelopes coming, pls.  :-)
> Guillermo
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