> I don't know, I'd see it more like the actual pinhole has its own
> personality and that can be either strong/assertive or weak/passive. If its
> strong then it is able to interact with the container it finds itself in to
> transform it into a camera.  If its weak then the container remains a
> oatmeal box/ paint can/ cooking pot etc... and a weaker image is produced,
> this might be more desirable depending on the circumstances and the image
> you are trying to make. Of course, they're both cameras in the strict sense
> of the word.
> Tom
Tom has brought up an interesting thought.

Does that mean we are dealing with a schizophrenic medium or are we just
kidding ourselves that everything is going to be just fine?

Is the box just a receptacle or does it, should it, have a personality of
its own?

Are we dealing with two separate entities brought together by the hand of
the maker or should we exercise some sort of mediation perhaps even control
over the union.

I think these are important questions to be considered, before or after
building the camera.

Before because predictability controls the outcome and enhances experience.
After because this may help to inform the image, future works and context as
Tom has rightly said


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