I almost bought some Agfa xray duplication film and my better judgement
(when I can locate it) suggested I check the Agfa website, then I called a
local xray tech, and figured out it was positive, not negative.

I let it slide (no pun there), but again the topic returns and I wonder what
can it be used for in our circles? I suppose
on rare occasion a negative print might be interesting.

Also thanks for all the empty film box support...there appear to be two
additional laws of physics I didn't learn in school...

1) conservation of space - someone makes room get gets rid of stuff they've
been hoarding , and someone else loses that
space by acquiring someone else's treasure.

2) I will make this "on-topic", I promise. Conservation of mass as it
applies to pairs of domestic pets...one loses weight, the other one gains
it. I have been wanting to do some cat pinhole shots....the tail twitching
and contortions they do might be interesting with long exposures.

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