Another important feature of the stop bath is that it helps buffer contaminents
moving from the developer to the fix.  Without this step, the fix will become
exhausted much quicker.  



--- Gordon Holtslander <> wrote:
> Develpoers depend on an alkaline environment.  When the film developer
> combination is placed in an acidic environment development slows 
> down or ceases completely.
> Stop bath is a mild acid, it lowers the pH of the environment to the extent
> that the developer can no longer function and thus stops 
> development.  Water can also be used to lower the pH, but it does not lower
> the pH to the same extent as an acid.  Water usually has a 
> neutral pH of 7- though the pH of water varies considerably from location to
> location.
> Water can usually be used to stop development.  The caveats are if you have
> very alkaline water, or use a developer that works with a 
> neutral pH (I don't know of a developer that works at a neutral pH) it may
> not work
> Because water is not as acidic as stop bath it will not neutralize the
> dveloper as quickly as stop bath.  Leaving it in the tray longer 
> will account for this.
> Stop bath may be necessary when the development process needs to be hatlted
> immediately.  
> Gord

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