----- Original Message -----
From: "Colin Talcroft" <ctalcr...@yahoo.com>
To: <pinhole-discussion@p at ???????>
Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2001 6:34 PM
Subject: Re: [pinhole-discussion] 6" x 8" film?

> Slightly off-topic, but I was hoping someone might be
> able to tell me if there ever was (or still is?) a
> standard film size that was anywhere close to 6x8
> inches?

Yes, it is 6 1/2 x 8 1/2, I actually have one of those, mine is a Empire
State #2 with red bellows.  You see plate holders from time to time at eBay
for these types of cameras.  I bought a 5x7" back and some day I intend to
adapt that back to the camera.  I quickly checked eBay and saw no holders
being sold at the moment.  Here is the closed auction for one of those
cameras: http://cgi.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=1308191603


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