----- Original Message -----
From: "Richard M. Koolish" <kool...@bbn.com>
To: <pinhole-discussion@p at ???????>
Sent: Friday, December 14, 2001 7:42 AM
Subject: Re: [pinhole-discussion] Jeff Dilcher's photos - questions

> > What the heck is inverse quadratic diminution?  Maybe I shouldn't ask!
> > I believe you are seeing vignetting.  I it seems more pronounced on
> > large format cameras with a short focal length.
>     For a flat film plane, the light from a pinhole falls off as the forth
>     power of the cosine of the angle from the center of the image.  One
>     of cosine squared is due to the increasing distance from pinhole to
>     and the other factor of cosine squared is due to the fact that when
>     from an angle, the round pinhole looks like an increasingly smaller
>     ellipse.  That's why the corners get dark in wide angle pictures.  On
>     other hand, an oatmeal box or other cylinderical camera corrects for
>     factors.

It will correct for the first factor, but not the second.  I believe Larry
Bullis came up with a design to correct for the second one.

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