I used to use these all the time and thought they were great. I used them in the early 80's in a ciba drum and motor base and did up to 16x20 prints. Later I moved to a Jobo and 20x24 prints and still used them. Now I have a 40" Colenta. I just finished mixing 10 gal of kodak chemicals and your post reminded me of my earlier years working at room temprature, processing a print for 20 minutes, (EP2 was slower). You might look into other chemicals. I think I saw the Jobo's line of chemicals could also be used at room temprature.

Bill Erickson wrote:

Ihe arts center where i teach has a darkroom but no capacity for stable higher water temps. tTe beseler room temp color chemicals would allow us to do color printing, but I can't find anyone who'se ever used them, and the last camera store I went to had sent their full supply back because it was all contaminated. Any reports of experience?


Chris Peregoy | http://www.gl.umbc.edu/~peregoy | http://imda.umbc.edu/

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