In a message dated 11/14/01 9:23:35 AM Pacific Standard Time, 
pinhole-discussion-request@p at ??????? writes:

> > My other question is has anyone had success creating and outputing these
> > completely digitally -Is there a printer that can create a fine enough
> > resolution image to make good zoneplates?
> I think Zernike makes his ZPs digitally, don't hold your breath waiting for
> him to contribute to this or any other thread, though (hope he proves me
> wrong!!).  If I were to speculate. he may have a comercial image setter shop
> giving him a complete sheet of film with lots of ZPs of different focal
> lengths as output from a digital file he may produce with Corel or similar
> program. I never seen one (digitally produced ZP) but I guess they have
> jagged edges compared with "analog" made ZPs, that may or may not have any
> consecuences on the final image they produce.  And no, I don't think a
> consumer or low end comercial printer would work. Should you find the
> opposite, let us know, pls.
I have a CI5000 Polaroid Film Recorder, and if anyone is interested in 
developing a Photoshop or similar file to print zone plates with varying 
focal lengths, I would be interested in working on this project.  I don't 
really have the knowledge to develop the file, but I would be able to print 
them out and share with other pinhole discussion members who would be willing 
to work on this project. 

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