Hi Mac,

You are correct: the subject is a flat sign.  For "His Master," the
inner slit is question-mark-shaped and is horizontal in this image.
The outer slit was a line that has about a 30-degree bend in the
middle.  It is vertical in this image and crosses the question mark in
the center of the frame.  Both slits were stationary.  If I remember
correctly, the film plane was slightly angled relative to the plane of
the sign.  One problem with photographing signs close up is that my
tripods only go so high.  And on sunny days, the camera's shadow can
fall on the subject; angling the camera slightly often corrects this
problem.  Thank you for your interest.


----- Original Message -----
From: "SPRINGTYME" <font...@usa.net>
To: <pinhole-discussion@p at ???????>
Sent: Monday, November 05, 2001 9:51 PM
Subject: Re: [pinhole-discussion] slit cameras?

> Hi Tom!
> Very nice! can you explain "tmiller_hismaster"?
> Would i be correct that the slit is at an angle? Was the original
> a flat sign?
> This was a stationary slit image?
> I'm more familiar with scanning slit cameras.
> Thanks
> Mac
> >Hello Guy,
> >
> >Click on the link below.  It should be the "Welcome to the Upload
> >page.  Then click the "Gallery 2001" link.  The first two images,
> >Nov 5,  should be should be the ones.
> >
> >Tom
> >  Tom Miller wrote:
> >    (My second reply to this message...)
> >    I posted two double-slit color images to the discussion list
> >    gallery  http://www.???????/discussion/upload/
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