

I finally finished a 35 mm roll of color film in a pinhole-converted camera.

As I was warned, the clarity isn't too exciting.

I at least learned that I had  NO reciprocity problems or color shifts.

Note I cut off the head of a little Ho Tai lawn statue - isn't that classic?
My mother-in-law does that every holiday when she takes photos of the family

It's my first pinhole attempt ever - not anything earth-shaking, but I'm
glad I got something - I think I had worse results the first time I used an
automatic SLR!

It was a 250 micron Lenox Laser hole at 38 mm from focal plane, using 200
ISO C41 film (Polaroid ordinary cheap stuff), with resultant f-stop of 158.
I used meter reading at f16 * (f160/f16)^2 = 100 x f16 exposure. BTW,
Fujifilm Professional datasheets for color film say no reciprocity
correction needed up to 200 second exposures, so I didn't worry about it.

The full moon shot was the second one I took. The first one, not shown, was
7.5 minutes - 450 seconds - 100 times my stopwatch measurement of an SLR
shot on autoexposure (4.5 seconds at f16). The second was a wild guess - 45
minutes, anticipating the need for reciprocity failure correction, but the
color and brightness were same, except for orbit pattern...maybe that's the
photolab tweak?

Next time maybe T-Max B/W, and someday on to 4 x 5 film packs.


I did 1-hour Walmart developing and told them I didn't care what they did to
the exposure as long as they printed everything.

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