----- Original Message -----
From: "Rune Tallaksen" <tall...@alfanett.no>

> Can anybody help me with how to determine exposure when correcting for
> resiprosity failure when the measured esposuretime exceeds that of the
> from the filmvendor?
> For instance when using Ilford HP5 Plus, the film data sheet gives the
> time for resiprosity failure until initial measured 35 secs(corrected for
> pinhole f stop). How can I calculate the "correct" exposure time beyond
> point? Tiral and error until now has not been satisfactory for me.

One way to do it is by extrapolating the curve Ilford is giving you.  You
can do that mathematically or graphically.  I usually do it graphically.
Take the Ilford curve and reproduce it on a piece of paper, extend the "X"
or horizontal axis to read the maximum "uncorrected" time you want  and then
extend the curve with pencil trying to follow the same tendency, then is
just a matter of extending the "Y" axis and graduating both axis.  I just
did that very quickly and the resulting extended curve gives me the
following values, for 60, 90 and 120 secs of uncorrected exposure:

60 secs uncorrected = 475 secs corrected
90 secs = 925 secs
120 secs = 1900 secs

Once you have the extrapolated curve, use it and if you get consistently
somewhat overexposed film, that means the curve was done a bit to steep.  If
film is underexposed consistently then the curve needs to be re-done a
little more steeper.

One thing for sure, extrapolating the curve would give you better
reciprocity corrections than "trial and error".

Hope it helps.


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