Hi Murray,

Someone posted a while back in alt-photo-list some instructions for developing
chromes in BW developers.
I gave it a try and it really works, I didn't like the results for ZP, but they
work grat for lens photo and PH.
Here is what I'm doing:
Film Provia
Rated iso: 1250 (if you want better shadow details try iso 800)
water bath for 3 minutes at 26oC
develop in D-76 at 26oC for 16 min, continuos agitation the first 30 sec and
after that  5 sec each 30.
Stop and fix the usual way.
wash for 20 min (the negatives will be very dark, almost unprintable.
Bleach in a regular sepia toner bleach
wash another 20 min
take the film to you local lab and have the film redeveloped in C-41 (that's the
dificult part, they will tell you the film is already developed, so you'll have
to insist)
The result will be a negative with huge grain and strong colors.

Have fun


Murray wrote:

> Anyone experimented with push-processing b/w film to higher ISO speeds, for
> faster shutter speeds? This may be uninportant for users of big box cameras,
> because they're not very mobile, but for the handheld pinhole camera this
> might open up a wider range of photo subjects that don't have to be
> stationary.
> Murray
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