----- Original Message ----- 
From: "R Duarte" <ra...@rahji.com>

> So, I haven't gotten back my first roll yet so I'm not sure how/if the
> images are going to develop.  I'm a little concerned about the exposure
> times... I tried using my light meter but the exposure times came out to
> about 1/8 second in bright light (using the dial on the back of the camera).
> Zernike gave me some helpful hints, including the fact that the 2 second
> recommendation in the instructions for bright sunlight are based on 100 asa
> film.  I was using 160.  So now I'm calculating the times for 100 asa and
> they're still around 1/4 sec.  Is it my light meter or am I doing something
> wrong somewhere?  

When you meter an "average scene" under bright sunlight, your meter should give 
you an exposure of f/16 @ 1/100 secs or close to that (using ISO100 film).  
Your meter seems to be given you f/16 @ 1/500 secs or around that, way to off.  
Under non-cloudy day, the sun is virtually "infallible", take a meter reading 
using your SLR and comparare results. 


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