Sometimes and sometimes.....
If it is bright out and your eyepiece covers your eye, you can make out some
detail...enough to aim with.
If the mirror is properly sealed & you aren't using internal metering, you
shouldn't need to caver it....
at least on Canon 630's....
andy schmitt

-----Original Message-----
From: pinhole-discussion-admin@p at ???????
[mailto:pinhole-discussion-admin@p at ???????]On Behalf Of Uptown Gallery
& Frame Shop, LLC
Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2001 11:59 PM
To: pinhole-discussion@p at ???????
Subject: [pinhole-discussion] body cap SLR conversions

Can one see thru the prism/viewfinder on an SLR with a pinhole drilled
body cap?

Does one need to cover the eyepiece on an SLR conversion to prevent
stray light entering thru the eyepiece?



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