Hey Marcy, how about a pinhole poem competition??

Glad to see you on another list....

Benno Jones
(IDCC list lurker)

Marcy Merrill wrote:
> Hello to everyone! I joined this list a few weeks ago and have been enjoying
> it immensely.
> I especially like the recently posted "Merlin Photo" by Jim Kosinski.
> Lately, I've been making Altoid containers into pinhole cameras. You can
> view my progress (and I actually am experiencing progress!) at
> http://www.merrillphoto.com/Pintoids.htm
> I'm going to print some more Pintoid images today and will slap them up on
> the page as well. Any input would be greatly appreciated! Thanks! -Marcy
> Marcy Merrill
> Photographer
> www.merrillphoto.com
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See my homepage at http://www.bjonesphoto.com

It's a well-known fact that although the public is fine when taken
individually, when it forms itself into large groups, it tends to act as
though it has one partially consumed Pez tablet for a brain.

- Dave Barry

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