----- Original Message -----
From: <photoe...@aol.com>

> I never heard of anyone using a slide projector to find the optimal
> aperture.  Somebody else out there might have heard about it.

Slide projectors, enlargers and even scanners (
http://members.home.com/penate/diameter.htm ) have been used, NOT to find
the optimal pinhole aperture, per se, but to simply find the diameter of the

> There are many formulas that various pinhole photographers have used.
> have their own personal formula.

All the formulas are in essence the same, all are of the form:

Diameter = SQRT( Constant * light wavelength * focal length )

As for the Light wavelength, everybody uses "generally speaking" around 550
nanometers.  The real and only difference would then be the value of the

> Some pinhole photographers do not want the most optimal aperture.  They
> prefer a softer or blurred image.

That's right, but to be 100% sure the pinhole you are using is not "optimum"
(before any exposure is made) you'd have to measure the pinhole.


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