Thanks, George, that's what I was trying to confirm. I should have
said something more like the distance from pinhole to film plane would
be the radius of the sphere. This means the spherically shaped film
holder would have to be different for each focal length. Ouch. :)


George L Smyth wrote:
> --- Pam Niedermayer <> wrote:
> > How spherical would the film plane have to be to get to sharp edges?
> > Let's say I'm building an 8x10 pinhole camera (which I am), and wanted
> > to build a special curved film holder. Should the spere be around the
> > distance from pinhole to film center, the pinhole being the center of
> > the sphere?
> Imagine tying a string on the pinhole, then swiping it along the film plane.
> That is the curvature you want to use if you want to distort the film plane so
> that there is a constant "focal length."
> Cheers -
> george

Pamela G. Niedermayer
Pinehill Softworks Inc.
600 W. 28th St., Suite 103
Austin, TX 78705

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