I'd like to submit the following for voting:

Worldwide Pinhole Camera Day
(This way, one does not need a darkroom to participate,
kids can simply make a camera obscura!)

January 1st, alternating with July 1st every other year
(the dates are easy to remember &
the hemispheres can swap summer & winter observances)


SUBJECT LINE: please set up an email subject line that can be distinguished
from all the fluff being generated by this project

many thanks
Jim K

----- Original Message -----
From: "James Kellar" <pinh...@jameskellar.com>
To: "Pinhole Disscussion Group" <pinhole-discussion@p at ???????>
Sent: Sunday, February 18, 2001 1:00 PM
Subject: [pinhole-discussion] WPPD?

> Hi all,
> As usual we have lots of issues here everyone has there own opinions about
> each issue. I have talked to Gregg Kemp and he has agreed to put up a web
> page where every one can vote on each of the issues. I believe that this
> the only way that we will get any thing done. So here is what I would like
> to do.
> 1. Send me a list of any issues you would like to see voted on, and then a
> list of possible answers to the issues.
> Example
> NAME OF THE DAY: 1. World Pinhole Day, 2. World Pinhole Photography Day,
> World Wide Pinhole.
> DATE OF PINHOLE DAY: 1. April 29th 2. April 15th. 3. December 25th.
> NAME OF THE WEB PAGE: 1. worldwidepinholephotographyday.com 2.
> pinholeday.com 3.
> Any other issues that you would like to see brought up that deals with a
> to promote pinhole photography.
> 2. If you have come up with a logo e-mail me the logo. Make sure that each
> logo is either a jpg, or a gif, try to make the logo under 80k, and name
> logo the following, "pinholelogoyourname1.jpg".
> Example
> pinholelogojohndoe1.jpg or pinholelogojanesmith2.gif
> When you send your list of issues please use the subject header "WPPD
> VOTE". If you are e-mailing me a logo use the subject header "WPPD LOGO
> VOTE".If you are going to send me both, then please send me 2 e-mails with
> right subject header. If you do not use the right subject header I can not
> promis that your issues and or logos, will be included in the vote. Do
> even if you have all ready sent in any suggestions.
> I would like to get this to Gregg by Saturday, Febuary 24, 2001  so get
> submissions in by this coming Wednesday, Febuary 21.
> I know this is kinda of a pain, but it is the only way that I believe is
> fair and that we can do this in a timely manor.
> Thanks for your help.
> James
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