
You're absolutely right... (BTW, your English is great!).   I suppose that we
all caught on on the idea of the swap as a great idea to start 2001 and that we
figured out that the discussion on details would come afterwards.

As for me, I would certainly prefer an "open" subject, rather than a
pre-determined topic.  As far as the number of prints, I have no particular
opinion.  My plan would be to send one print, but I would not want that to be a
constraint for others.

There may be something to be said for having a maximum format (size) for the
prints (perhaps not larger than 8x10", this is pure guess work here).  It would
help if you plan to put them in a book afterwards.  Perhaps a signature as well
on the back (I did'nt participate in the first 2 swaps and these questions might
have been discussed before).

One issue for me is the toal number of prints to be printed and sent:  I saw a
list a while back on a Web site (can't remember the details) with well over 100
names on it.  Then I asked myself: how long would it take me to print, say, 100
prints in the darkroom (assuming no burning and dodging) and I saw the time rise
very fast...

100 times the following: pull paper out of box, place under the enlarger,
expose, run to the processing trays  + 2 minutes in the developer + 30 secs. in
the stop + 2-5 mins. in the fix + 10-20 mins. washing + drying time: this is
already well over 15 hours non-stop... Then run to buy enveloppes + place in
enveloppe and write address + get stamps for all over the world + stick stamps
on enveloppe + run to post office and drop in mailbox....This is another many

This adds up very fast (not to mention the question of cost for those who may
have a budget constraint...  Where these issues raised earlier?

Of course, the rewards are commensurate to the effort in preparing these prints.

But my question is: did I get the modalities of the swap right?

BTW, this does not change my mind about participating:  I'm just trying to
figure out what is involved!

Merci de nous rappeler à l'ordre, Jean!  Et Joyeux Noël dans le doux pays de

Guy Glorieux
Montréal, Canada

Jean Daubas wrote:

> Hello pinholers,
> I would not like to annoy any more the members of the pinhole list but I
> have a doubt about the correct transmission of my message of last tuesday.
> By the fact, I got some problems on my PC and with my e-mail software. I'm
> not sure my post has actually been sent to the list; what makes me think of
> that problem is that I see numerous people answering to James's proposition
> for a new print swap but I find none of them expresing any comments or
> answers about the suggestions I made in my message. James asked us to
> express ideas while we affirmed our will of participation in this new
> swap...
> It's why I beg your indulgence and allow myself to send you again my first
> post, in order to be sure that it reaches all members of the list.
> Sorry for the eventuality of a "double exposure" to my bad english!
> Have a merry Christmas and thanks to all of you pinholers for the high
> quality and the nice open mind ( "bodily orifices" seem to find their
> way too...) of this list
> Pinholing cheers from France
> Jean
> Original message from Jean Daubas  was sent to the list on :
> Tuesday, December 19, 2000 12:27 PM
> Subject: [pinhole-discussion] new Print swap
> > Hello James and all pinhole swappers !
> >
> > When I started my PC this morning, I wanted to post a message about
> > launching a new print swap since the last one was some months ago now...
> > What a surprise when, reading the posts arrived during the night, I
> > discovered James' mailing and his intention of organizing a new print swap
> !
> > Coincidence or overseas telepathy ?
> > I've been lucky participating in the 2 previous Pinhole print swaps : the
> > first one already organised by James in 1999 (14 swappers) and the Zero
> 2000
> > Print Swap which i myself coordinated in the spring of this year (18
> > swappers, several among us were already present in the 1st print swap).
> > The 2 swaps have been wonderful experiences for me; the pleasure of
> opening
> > your mail-box and finding envelopes coming from various countries , the
> > surprise of opening these envelopes and discovering pictures and words
> from
> > people you don't know... Pleasure of sending one of of my own pictures to
> > everybody !
> > And after, pleasure of finding a way of keeping and enjoying this
> collection
> > of pictures and letters ( I manufactured large albums for each of the
> swaps)
> > !
> > Now, James, you ask us some ideas... So, I would like to express  comments
> > originated by my 2 first experiences.
> >
> > - 1 -  The first Print Swap was a " no imposed subject" swap and the
> second
> > one was a  "imposed camera" (Zero 2000) print swap. I personnaly think
> that,
> > if we are going to repeat swaps on a regular basis (i.e. 2 or 3 by year)
> it
> > would be better to define a "subject", which gives some coherence ; of
> > course, this "subject" has to be broad enough to respect every swapper's
> > freedom and also to obtain a collection showing the diversity of ways to
> > express a subject by pinhole pictures !
> >
> > - 2  - The other comment is maybe more personal and is about the number of
> > prints : I must say that 1 only picture has been for me frustrating; I
> mean
> > that I had difficulties to choose a single picture to send to the
> swappers.
> > The prints I sent were always belonging to series and I felt frustrated to
> > "reduce" my work to a one picture only ! I was not alone in this case
> since
> > I noticed that some of the swappers did not send the same pictures to all
> > swappers, which mean they did not want to make a single selection ! Of
> > course this depends on the way everybody works and I would not allow
> myself
> > to express any judgment; I only know that, for myself, pinhole pictures
> > always belong to a kind of "continuous work" since for me pinhole
> > photography is a slow process used to keep traces and to express duration
> > and depht of vision upon apparences. It's why a single picture has just a
> > little meaning for me.
> > Is it possible to imagine a Print swap in which we would send a small
> serie
> > of 3 pictures for example ?
> > It is just a question about which I would like everybody to express; of
> > course I am perfectly aware of the difficulties arised by such a
> proposition
> > : a lot of time and of course the economical cost of 3 prints instead of 1
> > ( I am very sensible to these problems since I go on with traditional FB
> > paper darkroom work, which is time consuming and costly). I just wanted to
> > express my "frustration" about the "1- picture" swaps. All comments are
> > welcome since I cannot make a clear opinion about that ...
> >
> > So, I am ready to sign for the next print swap and you can count on my
> > participation.
> > If I had been the first to express the intention of launching a new swap,I
> > would probably have suggested a subject as self- portrait (I presume
> nearly
> > each of us photographers keep a trace of ourselves from time to time on
> our
> > pictures). self portraiture seems to be a "not-too-narrow" subject since
> > there are so many ways to be "present" in a picture.
> > All Comments about this idea are welcome !
> >
> >
> > Please apologize for my approximate use of English !
> >
> > I'm eager to read your opinions and suggestions ! Thanks you, James, for
> > organizing the next swap and tell us if we can help you.
> > All pinholers, have a nice Christmas and a great new pinholing century
> !!!
> > Kisses from France
> > Jean
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "James Kellar" <>
> > To: <pinhole-discussion@p at ???????>
> > Sent: Tuesday, December 19, 2000 12:51 AM
> > Subject: [pinhole-discussion] December Mailing
> >
> >
> > > I would also like to announce that I will be organizing a print swap in
> > the
> > > up coming year. If your interested in participating start sending me
> your
> > > ideas.
> > >
> > > Go out a take a pinhole photo.
> > >
> > > James
> > >
> >
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "James Kellar" <>
> To: <pinhole-discussion@p at ???????>
> Sent: Friday, December 22, 2000 4:37 AM
> Subject: Re: [pinhole-discussion] swap
> > Hi all,
> >
> > It sounds like a lot of folks are interested in a print swap. I'm going to
> > wait until after the holidays to do more work on it and I'll let you know
> in
> > a week or two. Also I have gotten a few messages on the subject to my old
> > email address, If you could make sure to use my new address which is
> >
> >
> > Thanks and a happy holidays to you all.
> >
> > James
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