To answer Mike Vande Bunt  question regarding pinhole size of my 35mmcamera,
my method is not very scientific, the pinhole was made about three years ago
and from what I remember it was made with a pin poked partially through a
bit of thin aluminium foil, my smallest drill bit is .343 mm and this is too
big for the hole so it must be a bit less than that...the foil was then
taped onto the inside of the cameras body cap (which of course had a large
hole drilled through it...) The focal length is about 40mm...

...I just did a light reading @3200asa and it is 2 sec  and with a normal
lens @f32 it reads1/15th so I figure, it must be around f180 or between
about 0.24mm and 0.26mm, I am no mathematician so this could well be wrong,
sorry for lack of sophistication in my measuring methods, but that's

Cheers Tim

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