Thanks greg,
First off, thanks, I believe that your reply helps me "focus" a bit.
Well to answer, I could use either. I do have a nice wide angle glass lens, but any unusual effects I can get will find their way into something. I had simply heard some rumours that 16mm is too small a format for this technique. Though, in contrast, I have also seen images on the web made by pinhole lens using the exact same camera I use. (although viewing an image on a computer screen isn't quite as definative as seeing a projected image with your own two eyes) I suppose the next step is to try making the lens holder, and then just experimenting, to see if I agree with the rumours or not...True to the medium, there appears to be no "off-the-shelf" answer. P.S. Do you know any more about these "spy camera lenses" that you mentioned?? Characteristics? What makes 'em special? What do they do??
Always curious,
-Ed Gendron
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Edwin Gendron
Virginia Tech
Residential and Dining Programs Graphics
43 Owens Hall (0223)
Blacksburg, Va. 24061

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