On Tue, Sep 12, 2000, Kosinski Family wrote:
> Pinhole wizards,
> By chance, I photographed a needle and projected it, only to
> find it had 2 different angles of taper and the diameter was
> different everywhere along the length of the needle! Checked a
> lot more needles and found the same thing. The question: where
> on the needle does the diameter from the much published chart
> of needle size / diameter apply? If this chart turns out to be
> mythological, it will only increase my esteem for the inexact
> art of pinhole photography.

Once you get past the pointy end, beading needles are mostly
cylindrical.  If you can get your hands on one, an easy way to
measure a needle is with a micrometer.  Then, even with a tapered
needle, you can mark how far to poke it through to achieve the
desired diameter.  

Scott Sellers

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