Hi Iva,
There is an "ultra-flat" black paint out there somewhere!
It's not absolutely necessary to paint the inside of the camera. Unpainted
cameras give pictures with softer contrast. Try it sometime.
Best wishes,
Jim Kosinski
Starlight Pinhole Cameras

I see a new thread coming -- like the Zero 2000 activity one last year. "What is a Starlight Pinhole Camera?" [Though I may have missed previous discussions.]

Along with very few flame wars in this group, we also have a remarkably low level of self-promotion. I just visited www.paintcancamera.com, and though I am not in the market for a "darkroom-required" pinhole camera, I do enjoy seeing the cameras people make and use (and even selling) and their photographic results.


Thomas Harvey
Department of Geography
Portland State University
P.O. Box 751-GEOG
Portland  OR  97207-0751

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