This is just a reminder to everyone on the list that with this new list, you 
will hopefully be able to easily manage your own membership account.  For most 
people the default settings work just fine and you will not need to access your 
account page.  But, if you need to change any of your settings, or 
"unsubscribe" from the list, please follow these steps:

1) go to: http://www.p at ???????/discussion/ 

2) enter your email to enter your account (this is near the bottom of the 

3) on your account page, make any changes and then enter your password to make 
the changes effective.  

If you do not know your password, follow the first 2 step (above) then on the 
account page, click on the button "Email my password to me".  And you will 
immediately get your password in the mail.

I have spend many hours over the last few years ensuring that every list member 
has the power to subscribe, unsubcribe and now set personal preferences at 
will.  I do not have the time to do these things for everyone on the list.  
However, if you encounter a problem in trying to do this yourself, I will 
gladly make the time and assist you as needed.  I only ask that you FIRST 
follow the steps above and try it yourself.



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