As long as things are a bit quiet on the list, I would just like to check in and make sure the transition to the new list has gone ok. I've heard from a small handful of people - only about 3 who experienced some problems, and about a dozen saying things went fine. So, I'm assuming things are going ok for most people. But, if you are having any problems using your account or otherwise, please let me know.

I made a change to the list tonight so that email replies will go to the list rather than to the person posting the message. I believe this is what most of us expect to happen. This is a little different from the old list that did not try to decide - it let each person posting to the list decide where replies would go. I hope this will not be a problem to anyone, but if it is let me know and I'll investigate it further.

Hope everyone is enjoying the end of summer, taking those pinhole photos - underwater pinhole, water-ski cameras, sailboat cameras, etc.

- Gregg
Pinhole Visions at http://www.p at ???????

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