Those of you who were previously subscribed to receive the "digest" version of the list can still do so, but you'll have to change your preference to this on the new list.

To switch to the digest version (or to change other settings with your account, go to:

and at the bottom of the page, you'll see the section "Pinhole-Discussion Subscribers". Enter your email address in the field before the "Edit Options" button, then click on the button. You will have to enter your password here in order to actually make any changes. One of the preferences is whether to receive the "regular" or "digest" version of the list. So, if you want the digest, select that, enter your password, then "submit" the changes.

Available options are:

Disable mail delivery
Turn this on if you want mail to not be delivered to you for a little while.

Set Digest Mode
If you turn digest mode on, you'll get posts bundled together once a day, instead singly when they're sent. If digest mode is changed from on to off, you will receive one last digest.

Get MIME or Plain Text Digests?

Receive posts you send to the list?

Receive acknowledgement mail when you send mail to the list?

Conceal yourself from subscriber list?

At 11:09 PM 8/18/00 -0700, you wrote:
how can I get on a "digest" basis so I don't get each email as it comes in.
Thanks, Claudia

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