Dear friends,

Over the next few weeks I will be scaling back the Pinhole Visions web site. As part of the change, I have decided to find a new home for this discussion list. James Kellar started the original pinhole discussion list about 7 years ago. The list moved to Pinhole Visions a year or so after that. It has been a pleasure and a privilege to have provided the space for the list since then, and to have helped James on the technical side of maintaining the list. Thanks also to Guy Glorieux for helping as a moderator the past couple of years.

I am looking for someone to take over responsibility for moving the list to a new server and serving as the new list owner. James and Guy and I have all three decided that it is time for some "new blood" to manage the list. So, none of us will continue on as moderators. Ideally, I would like to see the list move to another non-commercial list server. This might be a "listserv" on a university server, or someone else with web service that includes an ad-free list server. This list runs under "Mailman" software. If anyone has knowledge of Mailman and is interested in hosting the list, that would probably be the easiest transition.

I will leave it to the list members to decide where to move to, and will work with the new list owner to make the transition. I will keep a copy of the archive, and will work with someone to move that also, if desired.

best wishes to everyone, and "keep on pinholin'"

Gregg Kemp

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