To rename a project with such an established history as pitivi, and all
the infrastructure headaches this causes, would (in my opinion) require
that the name would be *so awesome* that it is beyond imagination.

Strict minimum requirements for a project name:
* Short
* Easily pronounced (the only ones who have trouble guessing the
pronounciation of Pitivi are anglophones. Latin-based languages don't
have this problem, nordic/slavic and asian languages don't have any
problem either, as far as I can tell).
* Unique. I dare you to find a word that is as unique as pitivi. When
you search for "pitivi" in search engines, you only get relevant
results, which is something quite valuable.

Hell, Jonathan Thomas even had to trademark Openshot in the US to ward
off a company that was taking legal action against him; we don't have
this problem with "PiTiVi" (first because no sane company would call
itself that, second because we are prior art that goes waaay back).

Pitivi needs stability and robustness, only then will it be loved.
Changing the name won't magically change the perception of users.

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