On 08/17/2010 12:44 AM, Soeren Sandmann wrote:

         for each destination pixel

                 Use transformation to find corresponding source point

                 Find pixel locations surrounding that point

                 Use repeat setting to map locations into the available

                 Use filter setting to interpolate at the source point

                 Composite with destination pixel into destination

You seem to have changed the word "samples" to "pixel locations" so perhaps this wording could describe what I want.

My understanding of the literal algorithm being attempted is that for a given destination pixel a set of floating-point x/y "sample locations" is calculated. These are then used to bilinearly-interpolate sample the input image and all these samples are weighed and summed to get the output pixel.

I think the perception is that the "set" of x/y sample locations and weights can be reused somehow for every output pixel and thus save on calculation time. It is true that this works quite well for scales greater than 1 with "set" of exactly one sample with a weight of 1 that consists of the center of the output pixel inverse transformed to the input image. This is what pixman is doing now.

The mistake is in thinking that this 1-sample set can be replaced with a larger pattern of samples and that this will somehow make scales down work. It will improve things, sure, and in fact the 1-sample pixman does a reasonable job down to .5 scale, although the phasing problem I describe can be seen.

One way to collapse the three steps into one is indeed to generate a
set of coefficients and use them to compute a weighted sum of the
input pixels. Owen has described this process in these notes:


This paper is describing reconstruction filters (called F) and sampling filters (called G) I think correctly but it goes into the incorrect conclusions at the end.

The actual output is the integral of F*G over the entire area that G is not zero. For each pixel the ideal result is the integral of the entire square of the pixel. Note this is EXACTLY a square, the reconstruction F is handling any ideas of how a pixel contributes to the output image and bleeds into surrounding areas.

The function of interest is actually F*G, not F or G!

Calculating the output of F at any frequency less than 2x the image is going to throw away information (unless you do 1x at exactly the pixel centers which is what I propose). This is why any idea that involves calculating F independent of G will not work.

What I propose is that this be reworded so it clearly says the weights are an approximation of F*G for the pixel centers.

My proposal is to calculate an approximation of the integral of F*G for the square area of each pixel and remember these weights.

This sounds impractical at first, but the approximation is to assume F is centered on the pixel and sums to 1, and F*G is smooth enough that the approximation is equal to the value of G at the center of the pixel. Separability is done by reducing the projected sample area to a rectangle of the same area so we get two 1-d G functions. We calculate G at a high resolution and remember the results in an array, and then an input of the scale and the phase of the center of the pixel can be used to look up the entries that are closest to the pixel centers.

In those notes, the resampling is based on an integral over an image
defined on a continuous domain which in turn was the result of an
interpolation operation. Ie., precisely what pixman does.

The error is in thinking you can sample that first interpolation.

I'm aware that I'm not describing mip-mapping. It could make sense to
add it at some point. To get acceptable quality out of it, you'd want
to use trilinear filtering where sampling some location consists of
finding the two nearest mipmaps, bilinearly interpolate in both, and
then linearly interpolate between the two results.

Although I have not tested it for any quality, I think it may be possible to reuse the pixman bilinear sampling in a "sort of mipmap" way. A true mipmap is a waste of time if the majority of Cairo transforms are affine, and does a poor job if the scale is not square. The "sort of mipmap" way is:

1. For a given transform, decompose into two transforms: an integer scale where x and y scales are 1/N and 1/M, and a remaining transform where the determinant absolute value is as close to 1 as possible.

2. Perform the first transform as a box-filtered scale into a temporary buffer. This is very fast because an integer box filter means every pixel contributes to exactly one output pixel.

3. Use existing pixman code to apply the second transform from this image to the output.

4. Keep the temporary image around on the likely chance that the same integer scale will be used again.

I suspect this has some of the same phasing problems as what you are doing, and may be just as blurry. In fact it may be the equivalent except with the steps reversed.
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