Box/sync filtering does NOT require the transform to be axis-aligned.

The ideal/slow solution is this:

- The inverse transform is used to map the *corners* of the output pixel back to the input image space. This defines a quadrilateral in the input image. If perspective transforms are not allowed this quad will be the same shape for every output pixel, but it will be translated by non-integer amounts.

- This quadrilateral is used to scale and distort a filtering pattern. There is no ideal filtering pattern, but it's cross-section will resemble this, where the quad itself is from -.5 to +.5:
                          / \
                   __    /   \    __
                      \/       \/
                 -3 -2 -1  0  1  2  3

This is the sinc function. The integers are NOT pixels, but measured in the size of the quadrilateral. Also notice that this is not zero at the edges of the quad. It is zero at +/-1 (and all higher integers). Also note that it is infinitely large. The actual function is sin(pi*x)/(pi*x). The filter must integrate over it's entire range to 1.0.

- The source image is multiplied by this filter, and the integral of the entire result is the output pixel.

Okay, now here is how you get this to speed up:

- The quad is transformed to the closest axis-aligned rectangle *with the same area*. For non-perspective transforms the size of the rectangle can be figured out once from the transform matrix. This is only bad for extreme skews of the image.

- You only have to multiply an input pixel by the value of the filter exactly in the middle of it. This is reasonably close to the integral of the filter over the entire pixel.

- The filter is made the multiplication of two 1-d filters that are axis-aligned. This allows two-pass filtering.

- The filter is vastly simplified.
- "sinc" filters are usually the above function multiplied by something that goes to zero at +/- 2 or 3. - "triangle" filters are similar to the sinc truncated at 1, they are 1-abs(x) and 0 outside +/-1. - "box" filters are 1 from -.5 to +.5 and 0 everywhere else. This is the approach I recommend because it is by far the fastest and the quality is quite good.

- When scaling up the quad is, in effect, enlarged to be at least 1 unit in size. This will make the box filter identical to bilinear filtering for any scales >= 1. (however OS/X does not do this, the result is that the pixels in the source image turn into large anti-aliased squares, and many users prefer this).

- If you want anything more complex than box, you pre-compute the values of the filter at the center of pixels for a number of filter sizes and also a number of fractional offsets of these pixel sizes, putting the results in a table. The back-transform is rounded to the nearest entry in the table to find the filter. To keep the table reasonable size, I would switch to a box filter for any scales larger than 4 or so.
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