Dear PyMVPA Experts:

In trying to do an RSA analysis using PyMVPA, I have to say your tools are 
really great. One issue I’ve run into though is that I can’t figure out from 
your documentation how to output both correlation coefficients and p-values 
into a NIfTI file to view the output.

Here’s what I’ve done so far:

Set up a comparison matrix for eventually testing against each searchlight:
tdm = rsa.pdist(, 'correlation’)

Set up the target similarity comparison:
dsm = rsa.PDistTargetSimilarity(tdm, comparison_metric='spearman', 

Set up the searchlight:
sl = sphere_searchlight(dsm, radius=3, enable_ca='ca.pvalues’)

Run it:
slres = sl(ds)

And finally output the results in NIfTI format:
map2nifti(slres, imghdr=ds.a.imghdr).to_filename('meansubj.rsa_orth_sl.nii.gz’)

From your documentation, it seems like there’s a way to output not only 
correlation coefficients for each voxel, but also p-values. I just can’t figure 
out how to set it up properly, even after searching the mailing list. I’d 
appreciate any help you could give.


William W. Graves, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Smith Hall, Room 337
101 Warren Street, Newark, NJ  07102
Voice: 973-353-3947
Fax: 973-353-1171

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