Hi there,

How does one perform across-subjects analysis on the surface using PyMVPA?

I am currently estimating the noise ceiling on my data (as described by Nili et 
al., 2014). This requires anatomically-aligned data from all of the subjects in 
the experiment. I'm using the following approach: create a single large PyMVPA 
dataset including data from all template-aligned subjects, and assign a chunks 
sample attribute corresponding to subject ID, then use a searchlight with a 
custom noise ceiling estimation measure (that uses the chunks sample attribute 
to split the samples appropriately).

This works great, but I would like to move my analysis to the surface. So for 
each searchlight center _on the surface template_ I would need to get 
surrounding voxels _from all individual subjects._

It is difficult for me to tell whether this is possible based on reading the 
query engine documentation and the surface searchlight example.


Beau Sievers



Nili, H., Wingfield, C., Walther, A., Su, L., Marslen-Wilson, W., & 
Kriegeskorte, N. (2014). A toolbox for representational similarity analysis. 
PLoS Comput Biol, 10(4), e1003553.
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