On 9 June 2017 at 18:03, <lydia.hellr...@econ.uzh.ch> wrote:

> I'm trying to run a searchlight analysis, but I just end up in error
> messages.
> I followed your searchlight example from the tutorial (detrend, z-score
> and kick out non-used conditions) and then calling the sl function exactly
> as in your tutorial (sl_map = sl(ds_copy)).
> I'm running it on a computer with lots of memory and several CPUs now.
> When I load the full dataset (size 180,338688), I end up with traceback #1
> (please see below).
> When I load a mask I have less data (size180, 213), I end up with
> traceback #2 (also below).
> I just found such an issue in your mail archive with 3D nifti, but here
> it's 4D nifti.
> What am I missing here?

Not sure what's causing this, but I wonder if it may be related to a high
number of threads that may not play well with pprocess. Could you try to
run the searchlight with as additional parameter in the call: nproc=1
(disabling multiple processes), and maybe also some other values (e.g.
nproc=4 or 8)? Do you know how many threads the searchlight runs with?
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