On Tue, Feb 21, 2012 at 09:00:50PM +0000, Joachim Breitner wrote:
> Hi pkg-fso team,
> as you may have noticed, I have stopped all my pkg-fso activities since
> quite some time now, and I’m not even subscribed to this list any more
> (so subscribe me on CCs). But I’m still hosting 
>         http://pkg-fso.nomeata.de/
> which is the equivalent of packages.debian.org for the pkg-fso
> repository on alioth. I’d like to free my server from having to do that
> and would like to hear from you
>   * whether this is still needed and useful, and if so,
>   * who would like to take over maintenance.
> Of course I’ll happily provide you with the configuration and stuff of
> that instance of http://anonscm.debian.org/git/webwml/packages.git

pkg-fso's repository on alioth has not been updated for quite some
time, since all important stuff is in Debian main. I guess we don't
need your package overview service anymore.

-- Sebastian

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